Friday, April 13, 2012

Review: Nicki Minaj - Pink Friday Roman Reloaded

Roman Holiday
Yeah, We all heard or saw the performance on the awards.  I could actualy handle this.  Its extreme, but its theatrical....and non typical.  This is the opener.

Come on a Cone....
Not as nasty as it sounds.  ...but D#*k is in your face!!!    Its got that uptown sound...but Ladies will get off to it!!!

I Am Your Leader:
I heard it previous to the album coming out.  Its got Rick Ross and Camron coming with that 357/What Means the World to You flow!!! Okay!!!

Beez in The Trap
I heard it previous to the album coming out...but if your head dont move or something to this, you must be in that town from "Footloose"!!!!! And it got 2 Chainz on it.........this song is sooooo in the pocket!!!

HOV Lane
Startling at first, but it gets into a good groove where Nicki uses a metephorical comparison between the H-O-V lane and the lane H-O-V-A is in!  Kinda short though, but hey half long/twice as strong... cool

Roman Reloaded
Feat. Lil Wayne...Nicki and Wayne go into interpretations of each other.   I heard this previous to the album....noticing a pattern....  But it goes HARD.......Purple like a black girl pussy...only Wayne!??

The ruckus kinda mellows out for a track that is Up north with ambiant Pads and Synths.  Drake, Young Jeezy (sounding always like 'ol Otis from Martin or some shit) and Nas with a gem verse sounds like he's getting hungry again!  I dig it though...

Right by My Side
The mellow cools to an R and B simmer featuring Chris Brown.  Getting into singing Nicki mode.  Hear and Chris sound good together though.  I have ALSO heard this song previously to the album coming out.  But its a good single.  Very clean sound

Sex in the Lounge
The mellow comes to a light strip club bouncer with a synth that reminds me of  some Richard Marx or something.  Its featuring Booby V and Lil Wayne with that "Pause, give me a moment to make this wacky word association flow".  It's just like it sounds.  Ladies at your local strippy could shake some loose change out of skinny jeans to this.

I'm sure most of us have heard this already....

Pound the Alarm
Detour....Full EDM mode begins.  This Red One joint is one of those huge joints that'll have em "Popping Molly's".  More minaj in song mode, but theres an atmousphere to this... It Pounds

Whip It
Another Red One joint a bit more mellowed and drum and bass but the EDM mode is becoming apparent.  We do actually get a Nicki verse on the end of this, ...kinda begins and ends abruptly...

ANOTHER Red One raver that has a Dub Step breakdown.  I could see this song being in a commercial or something .  

Beautiful Sinner
An Alex the kid that is fitting to this EDM part of the album with one of these Gaga type choruses over a early recreation of a Dave Guetta track.  Real huge sounding and I could see it getting placements, but man the album has turned on a dime...

Marilyn Monroe
The electronic faze has turned to one of those Piano led Top 40 sound with nice strings, record fuzz and a comparison to Marilyn Monroe.  I cant say it is a bad song....very contemporary..

Young Forever
Another song that I could see in a commercial or a movie that kinda deals with time marching on and the need to stay relivent. 

Fire Burns
A Pop and Oak (ENDORSEMENT) production very cool pads building with a clean 808 bounce.  Inspirational.  Cool

Kane Beats gets a bit orchestrated while Nicki and Beenie Man trade island slang. Its cool,contemporary and Ragga at the same time...

Stupid Hoe
Detour.... how do you clam the album down then end it with Stupid Hoe!?!?!?!?   Its an odd resolution, if any.  Its catchy and......................... we all Heard It Before.... let yall know, this is my second time listening to this, and I wrote this review while I was listening to this.  I try to never just hear something once.  I Have to hear it twice, because I want to see if I missed something the first time around.  Honestly, the first time I heard it I didn't care for it.  Why, because waiting from the first album or the mixtapes to this point has been an amazing an thought provoking journey!  I gave Pink Friday a chance and was suprised that it was an album that to me as a man, that I could understand, it showed versatility of styles and production sceme, and it wasn't super female like Foxy or Kim,(What the f@#k do I look like rolling down the street playing, "How Many Licks" feat Sisqo!?!?!? 

Anyhow, my point was I dug the first album and gave Nicki Minaj a chance.  I also noticed over time, like it it or not she is the biggest NEW rapper from New York, not male, not female.  but then, she became one of the biggest rappers period.  Then, to being one of the biggest artists period!!!  She was shaking up the game and commericaly she was huge!  So the sophomore effort was pivotal. first listen this album came on like it was building on on the last album, the turns on a dime!!!   It then abandons those ears from going Rap to EDM . For the next four songs, of which they are pretty much produced by the same guy emulate the latest trend to make a Pop/Dance record al la Katy Pary, Lady Gaga and such...  (quickly careening towards danger) in Modern Ballads.....(SMACKED FACE FIRST IN THE HEAD WITH......Stupid Hoe!!!!) .  Yes friends, Stupid Hoe.  That was the finale.....AND it took 18 songs to get to that finale.

This album on first listen this album had a Massive opener and closer, with individual music sensibilities being blocked in segments for each buying demographic (begining, middle and end) in between.  On second listen, still does.  The songs themselves could be placed in a variety of ways and been easily digestable.  My problem is when the songs are so, segregated if you will, that their labels attempt to market becomes so blatent it insults my intelligence.  The sequencing could have been better. The songs are interesting individually, and could get in a number of markets, which is a record companies goal,but at what cost?

On the scale of Frisbee(1) or Frame It(5), I give it a 2.75%

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